About us
MoldArte, a platform for promoting cultural actors of the Republic of Moldova, is a project born from the needs to consolidate and offer visibility to the cultural independent sector in the RM and to raise awareness of the common interests of independent and institutional stakeholders in Moldova and abroad.
MoldArte aspires to develop new relations among cultural actors locally and internationally. MoldArte aims to redefine public culture in theory and in practice, mediating a process of understanding the area of common interests of independent and institutional actors, via a programme that consists of: public talks, workshops, visits of guest professionals from EUNIC partner countries. MoldArte functions as a showcase of centers of interest and local dynamics in the public cultural scene, a bank of resources and a meeting and reflection space for new joint actions.
Parteneri: Institutul Cultural Român, Goethe-Institut, Ambasada Austriei în Chișinău, Moldova
Finanțat de European Spaces of Culture, cu sprijinul Delegației Uniunii Europene în Republica Moldova
Parteneri media: TVR Moldova, TVR Iași, Radio România Cultural, Radio Chișinău, Revista Timpul, Revista Arta, Modernism.ro, The Institute, diez.md
MoldArte este un proiect finanțat în cadrul programului European Cultural Spaces, care își propune să testeze și să implementeze modele inovatoare de colaborare culturală între actorii europeni- membrii EUNIC și delegațiile UEE – și partenerii locali din țările non-UE, în spiritul obiectivelor strategice ale UE și al abordării relațiilor cultuale internaționale.
European Spaces for Culture este un demers pregătitor, inițiat de Parlamentul European și implementat de EUNIC, în strânsă colaborare cu Comisia Europeană și cu Serviciul European de Acțiune Externă.
EUNIC (European Union National Institutes for Culture) este rețeaua europeană a institutelor naționale europene de cultură, cu 38 de membri din toate statele membre UE și din statele asociate.
-tool for improving elaborating community facilitation and cultural policies
-advocating techniques to reach the decision makers in order for them to consider the independent sector in RM when initiating consultation processes for improving financing mechanisms
Cultural relations
-increase the visibility of independent cultural initiatives from Moldova at international level
-promote critical thinking among general audiences and to contribute to the sustainability of the cultural sector
MoldArte - platform for promoting cultural actors of the Republic of Moldova
Our podcasts
One of the themes relates to the conditions and practices of solidarity among artists and organisations.
Our video materials
Some of the subjects refer to the activity and the sustainability of the sector during pandemic times and the social status of the cultural worker.
Our resources
Will include papers on multi-level governance of public culture, policies and practices of education through culture.
What is on
The format of the project, online/onsite, facilitates multiple ways of interaction between cultural professionals of Moldova and EU countries, which generate long lasting collaborations based on their needs and interests.
The next resources to be produced are the mapping of the cultural sector and online public talks.